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The Mind-Body Connection Research and Education Foundation is dedicated to raising funds that will help promote top-notch Education Programs and additional Mind-Body Research already started by its founder, Visionary and Mind-Scientist, Tom Ray.

"We can start saving lives and help prevent the onslaught of the downward turn of human interactions, personal failures and bad health that seems to be prevalent in these modern times. I have done the hard work.  I have proven my discoveries work. Now, it is your job to help me show the world there is a better way. I cannot do this alone. I must have your help." 

These simple and basic discoveries about how the mind interacts with the body can be implemented 
today.  All we have to do is make this information available to the whole world.  Tom Ray has found the solution to the other half of the human health, success and happiness equation.  We can now utilize and expand on its benefits for mankind, today.

"Read the free book, The Puzzle Factory Syndrome, that I have provided for you on this site.  Use it as a guide.  Once you read it, you might like to have a hard copy for your home or office.  You can get it from the site Store or on Amazon."

"Read some of my CASE STUDIES. They will demonstrate how the mind can hurt you or help you."

Together, we can cause the revolution in smart healthy thinking, speaking and acting. 

It is now time for The Mind-Body Connection University.