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                                                  CHAPTER 13

                           DO YOU HAVE KIDNEY PROBLEMS?


Earlier in this book, I mentioned that I would tell you about a very interesting case concerning kidney disease.  I like to take on one of every type of disease, so that I can prove that the mind can help make the body well.  I remember back several years ago, that I wanted to see a young person who had kidney trouble.  I was making a speech to a local women’s group and I decided to put out the message that I was seeking a young person, between the ages of fifteen and thirty, who had kidney disease. I would take that young person, at no charge, and show him how to make his kidneys work normally.

          Several months went by after I had put out the word and I had no takers.  I had almost forgotten about that particular statement in that particular speech, when one day, in popped a lady who said that her mother had been at the women’s club dinner the night I spoke of taking the kidney disease case, at no charge.  She told me she had a son who was 21 years old and asked me if I could help him in any way.  I told her that I was interested in working with her son, but only if she agreed to explain to the boy’s doctor what I was doing, and that she continue to do what his doctor advised.  Remember, I am not a member of the American Medical Association and I do not want to waste my time fighting with those guys.  The young man was having to go to the hospital every other day to go through dialysis and that was the only thing that was keeping him alive.  The dialysis filters the impurities from the blood.  That is also the function of the kidneys.

When the young man came into the office and sat down, it was apparent that he was as jumpy as a cat on a hot tin roof.  I started asking him questions right off the bat, just like I do everybody.  I asked him what his problem was, even though I knew exactly why he was there.  He told me that his kidneys did not work.  He said the doctors told him that his kidneys were dead.  I said to him that if his kidneys were dead, he would be dead.  I said that the kidneys are not dead; they just are not functioning normally.  I asked him why he didn’t just crank up the kidneys and make them produce enough urine to filter the blood properly.  Obviously, he said that would be great, but he did not know how to do it.  I said, “I will simply show you how.”

          The young man had not produced a drop of urine for about two years.  I taught him all the things you have read in this book, such as how the mind controls the body; how to be relaxed and confident in any and all situations; how to handle any situation; how to understand the human being, and why he does the things he does.

           Just as I had expected and sooner than I had expected, in about a week and a half, he was in the bathroom having his normal bowel movement and he passed a little urine.  He was quite surprised when it happened, because that was the first urine that he said he had produced in two years.  As time went by, I asked him to measure the urine that he produced and it got better and better, even though he was still making his regular visits to the dialysis center at a local hospital.

          I contacted his doctor and told him personally what was happening with his patient.  Remember, it is the doctor’s patient, not mine.  The young man was my client.  I am not a doctor.  I am just the world’s greatest mind control expert.  Sounds a little egotistical on my part, doesn’t it? Well, I have to tell myself that, so that I will produce the best results.  It’s not important if you like it or not, because I don’t care what you think.  I care what I think.  By the way, I do not control your thinking and so why be concerned about something that I can’t control?  As far as that is concerned, I think that is good sound logic and the truth.  I work only with truth.

          Back to the doctor.  When I told him what was happening, he sounded quite interested.  I asked him to work with me on the project and to this day, I have not heard a word from the doctor.  Soon after I talked to the doctor, the boy quit coming to see me.  I last heard that he was locked up and kept drugged at a local facility for the mentally unbalanced.

          This young man was making great strides.  I was teaching him to handle himself in this society and he was mentally sound as a dollar, but my guess (and it is only a guess and you cannot sue me for guessing) the God Almighty American Dollar won out and the kid lost.  Now, you tell me what is right. Use the System for your convenience.  Do not be controlled by the System.


Chapter 14..The Professional Athlete

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